InEngagebyAlicia DomínguezUnengaged Engagement Is Destroying Our Social SkillsBy not being aware of our actions we are becoming zombiesApr 10, 202311Apr 10, 202311
InILLUMINATIONbyAlicia DomínguezReasons Why You Should Always Check People’s ProfilesYou never know who you might be missing out onApr 21, 20223Apr 21, 20223
InThe Orange JournalbyAlicia DomínguezWhat Happens In Your Brain When You Hit 1K FollowersLet’s start with what happened in mineMar 3, 202211Mar 3, 202211
InThe ShortformbyAlicia DomínguezYou Need To Be Everywhere To Be SomebodyThe unhealthy rat race of Social MediaJan 27, 20222Jan 27, 20222
Alicia DomínguezFrustrated With Unanswered Tweets? Place Some Healthy StrategiesNot getting the answers you want when asking questions on Twitter is a lot better than getting a click on the predicted heart.Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021
InThe ShortformbyAlicia DomínguezIs Twitter Still My Happy Place?Things change because people doNov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021